Ken-o-sha Park
1353 Van Auken St SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49508Status: Neglected
My wife and I have walked the Ken-o-sha nature trail since the day it was paved. Unfortunately, it has steadily been going down-hill for the last 10 or so years.
- I started complaining to the city July of 2012.
- In the spring of 2015 flooding on Plaster creek caused erosion of the trail.
- We invited David Marquardt, the new city director of parks department, late summer 2016 to do a walk-through the nature trail, which he did:
- He saw the crumbling pavement.
- The rotting park benches.
- The un-maintained clean off and un-mowed.
- The storm damage washout of the pavement.
- He promised there would be funding to fix these matters.